The Voděradská grammar school is a state school with a long and vibrant tradition. The highest priority of the school is to provide our students with a general education and prepare them fully for their studies at universities. Our work and effort is reflected in regular success of our students at entrance exams to universities and during their studies at universities.
The school takes students for an eight-year program (pupils from basic schools who completed the 5th grade), a six-year program (after the 7th grade) and a four-year program (after the 9th grade). In the school year 2002/2003 the school opened 2 classes in the eight-year program, 1 class in the six-year program and 2 classes in the four-year program. Information about entrance exams is available in the section called Entrance exams.
The education in school is set out by the curriculum of the eight, six, and four-year programs for grammar schools. Many students come to our school without any specified interests and their professional career is outlined during their studies at school. The curriculum, therefore, reflects this trend. The first year is devoted to a general grounding in a range of subjects and all the students in one grade study the same subjects. If they are interested, we offer them optional subjects such as singing in our school choir or sports. Two languages are taught in all the classes with the exception of primas, with English, German, French and Spanish available. All subjects are taught by fully-qualified university graduate teachers. A German native-speaking teacher teaches German.
In the final two years of each program, the students have the option of customising their studies to assist their intended careers and university courses by taking part in a number of subject seminars, although these are not compulsory. These seminars will provide the student with considerable insight into the complexities of subjects which may be of interest for further study, working with specialist materials and leading students in the kind of debates and formulations of ideas which they will require at university. Some non-compulsory courses entail coursework as well as the seminars.
Here is a partial list of recent subjects offered:
- Mathematics
- English, German and French conversation
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- IT
- Latin
- History of the 20th Century
All such courses are led by appropriate, qualified personnel from our school or by external specialists.
The growth and learning of the student is paramount for all courses and teachers, and their participation in projects and competitions is actively encouraged. We have been well represented in the city’s “Olympiada”, the traditional forum for excellence in the sciences, with our students frequently advancing to the later rounds, as well as enjoying similar success in a variety of language and literature competitions. The sports teams have likewise upheld school honour on a range of playing fields, with the gentlemen of the floorball team particularly dominant of late.
One group of students are active participants in the “Globe” project set up by former US Vice-President Al Gore, a role which requires them to monitor the living environment of the school, and consider our impact upon it. Such data, drawn from a wide variety of sources, is correlated via the Internet, and helps to track our changing world.
As a vital complement to classroom studies, the school offers trips, excursions and courses to help our students develop into fully rounded members of the community. These include sports, with, perhaps, skiing as its “Crown jewel”, literature, field trips, as well as exchange and visit programs and studies abroad (in Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria and Denmark). There are many cultural events including theatre performances, exhibitions and concerts by the school choir. School theatre performances are also very successful. Apart from compulsory skiing courses everybody can compete in a number of regular sport or boating courses or during sport days of our school.
Our school organizes discussions with politicians, economists or journalists and lectures of famous scientists and specialists.
Our school library provides students with a wide range of literature which has been continuously extended. Students can find here literature enlarging their general knowledge, works needed for their school leaving examination or books that are compulsory to read. A wide collection of foreign literature has been extended by gifts of our foreign friends.
Students can also develop their interests in after school activities. Music lovers can meet in the school choir which regularly organizes Easter and Christmas concerts and charity performances. Art lovers can meet in the art course and they can help decorate the interior of our school. Those who love writing can publish their works in the school magazine Smokvoň. Students can also play tennis being trained by one of our teachers, many years´ player and trainer of the 1st class of tennis.
In October 2008 our grammar school gained a grant of 5,8 million crowns in OPPA program to support OBZORY project, a project for the development of gifted students and students with special educational needs. Thanks to this grant we will be able to pay for foreign studies of our students, specialist seminars on a university level led by our teachers or university teachers and for special teaching of students with study problems.