Logo GVGymnázium, Praha 10
Voděradská 2

School equipment

Our school is located in a quiet part of Strašnice, not far from the metro station Strašnická (line A). The location is very convenient within an easy reach of students from all parts of the city. Our aim is to modernize the school building so that it could serve the students and the teachers as well as possible.

School facilities include a library, a study room, a snack bar, a school canteen, a ceramic workshop, a reconstructed cloakroom with lockers and sanity installations.

In our school you can find well equipped modern laboratories for physics, chemistry and biology. There are specialist language labs for teaching English, German and French. There are also special classrooms for teaching Czech, history, geography, maths, social science, music and art.

Our classrooms have been gradually equipped with a computer, a data projector and an interactive board.  Teachers actively use these modern technologies in teaching.

There are three modern computer rooms, one of them (reconstructed in 2009) can be even used for teaching the whole class. These computer rooms equipped with  data projectors are always used for teaching IT an informatics, seminars and other subjects.

Our computer net (over 100 computers) is connected to the Internet by several servers. Since June 1st 2005 the whole school has been connected to the Internet by the wireless line of Broadnet, the speed of the connection has been regularly increased.

Our school has got its own domain gymvod.cz. Teachers together with students may use an email address <user>@gymvod.cz. Detailed information about the topical IT equipment, technical parameters of the Internet connection and computers including the servers is available in ICT plan of the school.

In our library there is a wide choice of non-fiction and fiction which has been continuously extended. Students can either use the literature in the study room or they can borrow it from the library. Magazines, newspapers, the Internet and a copy machine are available in the library too.

For teaching physical education our school uses two gyms and a bodybuilding room. There are two sport grounds with a modern surface, a running track and a landing pit for long jump.

The school garden is used especially in the spring and summer months for both teaching and relaxation. The garden includes two summer classrooms for teaching e.g. languages, biology etc. At the end of the school year the garden is the venue of a social event of the students, teachers, parents and friends of the school called Garden Party.

Our school canteen, reconstructed in 2000, cooks two meals daily. Students can choose their meals on the Internet.

Here we would like to thank everybody who has contributed financially or in any other way to the development and modernization of our school.

OPPA, Praha, EU
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