Logo GVGymnázium, Praha 10
Voděradská 2

School history

The history of our school is relatively short. The local school council in Prague-Strasnice founded it in the year 1934. In 1935 - 1942 it was a basic school, in 1943 another wing of the building was built for the former council school. Both schools were united into a 11-year secondary school in 1953. Another wing was built in 1959. In the year 1967/68 the school was transformed into a four-year grammar school.

Many students like to remember these times though their memory is sometimes spoilt with the memories of sad times of communist education. Amongst them are the famous director and actor (e.g. of the film Kolja which was awarded the Oscar prize) Zdenek Sverak and the senator and former minister of interior Jan Ruml. The teachers and students of the school were directly involved in the protest movement against the Soviet invasion in 1968. Many teachers were punished for their participation in the protests. The school also participated in the velvet revolution movement in 1989 when the strike was organised.

The velvet revolution in 1989 brought a radical change in the management of the grammar school. The former ideological subjects were cancelled; the curriculum was radically changed. The new trends and changes were introduced including the new teaching plans and methods. In 1993 the teaching plan was extended to a 6-year program, with the passing time the program is ended.

The ministry of education decided in 19.11.1997 to transform the school to 4-year and 8-year grammar school. The variety of the studying programs was extended again in 2001 when the school returns to the trends of the 90s. The 6-year program was renewed.

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